Community Welfare, Arts and Humanities, Education, Children and Youth, Health and Science, Environment, Religion
Geographic Area Served by Grants:
Statewide, responsive grantor
Types of Support Offered:
Capital, Project/Program, Capacity Building, Operations. Single year to multi-year grant awards (3 years maximum)
Do you fund general operating costs for non-profits? If so, under what conditions?
Yes, perhaps less frequently than other types of support, but awarded when circumstances warrant a period of support to allow an agency “breathing room” to move forward on other important fronts; or to help an agency integrate internal changes or withstand external changes.
Restrictions/ Limitations:
Awards are not made to individuals, public educational institutions, individual religious congregations, or for the purpose of funding development and marketing personnel, annual fundraising activities, endowments, financial emergencies, and debt repayment. Animal welfare, one-day events and conferences, technical assistance, and planning and research related requests are generally not competitive. Projects/programs that serve only a narrow audience may be a lower priority, unless they focus on underserved or special needs communities.
Application Process:
Our guidelines are on ourwebsite. An applicant is required to send via US mail one copy of the proposal to the Foundation, along with a completed checklist available on our web site that outlines the information needed in a proposal narrative, and required financial and other documentation. There are no deadlines.
The Foundation trustees meet six times a year, in February, April, June, August, October, and December, to make decisions on a docket of up to forty applications. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis.
Preferred contact from potential grantees:
Email preferred preliminarily. From there, we can set up phone calls, conference calls, and meetings, depending on the need of the organization.
We would like potential grantees to know…
The Foundation generally prefers to support an organization’s highest priority, and participate with other funders on significant projects.
The Collins Foundation is committed to deepening its learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion to improve our processes and grantmaking. We ask applicants to share with us steps or actions, if any, that the organization’s board and/or staff have taken to incorporate these principles in their organizational practices and policies.
The Collins Foundation continues to refine its grant process. Please review the Foundation website for changes in the process prior to submitting a grant proposal.